Santa clara county planning department You can use the County Property Profile search engine to confirm a location is in the unincorporated area. After a project has received conditional approval from the Planning Office, the Land Development Engineering Section reviews the final engineering plans and specifications for conformance with the conditions of approval, County Land Development and Grading Ordinances, and When planning any single-family residential construction project, it is important to understand the various regulations, procedures and policies that may be involved. Learn about Geographic Information Services. The County of Santa Clara General Plan Safety Element Update is an opportunity to address the various natural and human-caused hazards affecting the unincorporated areas. Refer to the County’s Stormwater Management webpage for more information. You will also find digital submission requirements and FAQ for how to submit plans online. A Drainage Permit is required for proposed construction involving 2,000 square feet of new impervious surface. Sign In. Submit permit applications online. Landscape guidelines; Map and corner record processing or submittals How to submit several types of maps with the Surveyor's Office for processing. The County also supports the efforts of the Valley Transportation Authority, special districts, local jurisdictions, and private landowners to construct, operate, and maintain transportation infrastructure and services throughout the county. Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. Our goal is to Search using the appropriate property information to The Santa Clara County Assessor's Office to display the Assessment Roll Information for the parcel in question. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps Department of Planning and Development | (408)299-5700 Roads and Airports Department | (408)573-2475 ©2025 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. This page will be updated twice a year with the status of each strategic priority. Mandatory requirements sheets Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. Description. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps The County is considering updating the ordinance to protect the rights of tenants and increase housing stability, while maintaining the tools and authority property owners need to manage and maintain their property. 9, 2025 – ZOOM ; Thursday, Feb. Other projects and permits 2017 Permanente Creek Restoration Project (File PLN17-2250) ©2025 County of Santa Clara. Note: Our Permit Center is only accepting electronic submittals, as paper plan sets cannot be reviewed at this time. IMPORTANT NOTE: County Code Enforcement Team can only investigate possible violations in the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County. Check the County’s Property Profile to determine applicable watershed. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps The Land Development Engineering section strive to provide public safety, environmental protection, efficient customer service, and to safeguard the interest of the general public and property owners, present and future, by reviewing the design and construction of land development projects for compliance with County and engineering standards. The Commission reviews, advises and acts on certain land-use and development applications and policy matters. Permit revision submittals may need to be submitted or processed as new permit applications. Protocol 2000 to 1985 Land Use Policy Agreement The County is considering revisions to the current Santa Clara County horse keeping regulations to streamline and simplify the permitting process for horse keeping and similar facilities. m. Standards and policies manuals for land development in the unincorporated parts of Santa Clara County. In each City's page, you can find a summary of project description, location, Planning Commission Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 p. Protocol 2000 to 1985 Land Use Policy Agreement You can find permit requirements and applications guidelines for renewable energy systems below: Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Permit (EVSE) Description. Below are links to the policy and guideline document that implement the County's General Plan. Published documents include General Plan Books A and B, the 2000 Stanford University Community Plan, and the three maps linked below. Search Menu. Home; Access Public Permit Portal; ©2025 County of Santa Clara. About us; Careers; Services. Minor fire alarm and sprinkler system modifications April 6, 2023. Learn more about Santa Clara County through our interactive maps and geographic data. ©2025 County of Santa Clara. 0) Infrastructure Development. No access or other improvements are proposed or required as part of the subdivision and no grading is required County of Santa Clara is responsible for maintaining records of plans and providing the public with access to them. Departments | Santa Clara Valley Medical Center | Santa Clara Valley Healthcare, County of Santa Clara, CA Skip to main content Apply for Fire Marshal Office Permits. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps County Surveyor's Office record index GIS Search for recorded maps and filed corner records in the County of Santa Clara. It presents key implementation strategies and actions for unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County and coordinated The early inhabitants of Santa Clara County were the indigenous Ohlone People , thought to occupy the area at least 1,000 years before Spain began to colonize California in the eighteenth century. Facilities and Fleet ©2025 County of Santa The County of Santa Clara Community Climate Roadmap 2035 will help accelerate efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from community activities and help contribute to GHG reduction on a statewide and national scale. Refer to the information below and reach out to the permit center if you have any inquiries. Property Owners and Applicants are encouraged to speak with a planner prior to submitting a new planning application by visiting the Planning Division, Department of Planning and Development How Do I Apply for a permit. Remember me on this device. The Department of Planning and Development regulates land development in the County's unincorporated areas, issues and monitors permits for various types of land use development and activities, and investigates reported code violations. g. If any changes are made to the proposed legislative action after submission of the referral, immediately contact County Planning Staff and submit a new referral. The Mission of the Department of Planning and Development is to protect the County's natural resources; to ensure quality and sustainable community development and affordable housing; Department of Planning and Development | (408)299-5700 Roads and Airports Department | (408)573-2475 Find Planning or Development (building/grading) permit application information. Santa Clara County Department of Planning and Development. Ordinance Provisions; Environmental Initial Study; Staff's White Paper on Solar Power in Santa Clara County List of different departments, units or teams within our organization. b Individual / Family / Supporters Strengths: 1. The Board has adopted various Resolutions and policies for the County of Santa Clara’s commitment to achieve significant, measurable, and sustainable greenhouse GHG emissions reductions. The Commission normally conducts public hearings on the fourth Thursday of each month. Attention: Effective April 1, 2017, all new Corner Record submittals must use the new form BPELSG-2016. The project includes 3,700 cubic yards of Facilities and Fleet Department Report a concern; Request County space; Request public records; In design and construction; Completed; Bid opportunities; Home; All County building projects; Building projects: in planning and development; Fairgrounds; Contact information; Contact information. The list includes a description of the project and a link to the project plans. On February 26, 2002 the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors officially adopted the County Geologic Hazards Zones (GHZ) and the revised ordinance. We work with County residents and communities to mitigate code violations or enforce corrective actions. The Board of Supervisors has adopted various policy and guideline documents to support how development occurs on private land throughout unincorporated Santa Clara County. Phone: (408) 573-2440 Fax: (408) 441-0276 The Capital Programs Division encompasses facility planning, design, and construction. Corner Record blank forms are available from the California Land Surveyors Association: California Land Surveyors Association Grading and drainage. The 2000 Stanford University Community Plan (amended Oct 2023) and 2000 General Use Permit are the governing documents that guide land-use and development within the unincorporated lands of Stanford University. In November 2010, the Board of Supervisors approved an update to the County's Zoning Ordinance to specifically address Commercial Solar Systems. 6, 2025 – ZOOM ; Thursday, Mar. 9-acre site into two (2) lots of 37. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps Past planning projects This page provides information regarding larger development projects that were previously processed by the County Planning Office. Santa Clara County’s FIRM date is August 2, 1982. Apply for a 2010. Contact Information Building Operations. Spanish settlers established the valley's first mission and pueblo in Santa Clara and San Jose respectively and governed "El Llano de los Robles" (Plain of the Oaks), until the Mexican Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. A strategy may be marked as “complete,” may also be ongoing. County Budget and Finance Implementation of our strategic plan is monitored and evaluated regularly. The County of Santa Clara will be the Lead Agency and will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a Use Permit and Reclamation Plan Amendment proposed by Stevens Creek Quarry Inc. The Division continually strives to enhance the livability of Santa Clara by promoting a healthy, prosperous, and sustainable community. Department of Planning and Development (DPD) On private property in the unincorporated Santa Clara County: DPD | Code Enforcement (408) 299-5700: Roads and Airports Department (RDA) On County roads and County-owned property: RDA | Services requests (408) 494-2750: A form to submit your feedback about this page. The purpose of the PS process is Department of Environmental Health, and Fire Marshal Office will attend the meetings. Check out a list of projects in the unincorporated area of Santa Clara County. The County of Santa Clara Heritage Resource Inventory (Inventory) was begun in 1962, when a preliminary inventory was prepared for the County of Santa Clara Planning Department in an initial effort to identify and evaluate historical landmarks throughout the county. A Minor Residential Permit is available for the following project types Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. Purpose This Surveillance Use Policy shall govern audio recordings of public meetings by staff of the Planning and Development Department. County Services; Departments; About the County; Sccgov Header Navigation. Vision To deliver first-rate facilities and fleet services through resourceful and transparent collaboration by creating a culture that is inclusive, innovative and respectful. 中文 Español Tiếng Việt Tagalog. Climate action planning. Check the following for information about new residences, as well as residential additions, rebuilds or remodels. A form to submit your feedback about this page. Record maps can be purchased from the County of Santa Clara Clerk-Recorder Office. As it relates to the above referenced application, pursuant to County of Santa Clara Ordinance Code Section A33-6, except where otherwise expressly prohibited by state or federal law, I hereby agree to defend, Department of Planning and Development How Do I Apply for a permit; Building Permits; Grading Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Phone: (707) 578-6016 Fax: (707) 578-4406. The new ordinance was adopted March 10, 2020. Stormwater discharges within Santa Clara County are regulated by two regional NPDES permits: San Francisco Bay Municipal Regional Permit (MRP 2. Applications for abandonment of rights of way for publicly owned or maintained roads are received and processed by the Department of Roads and Airports. October 5, 2023; Item #1: File PLN22-063 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application including an Architecture & Site Approval and Grading Approval for the reconstruction of Serra Street, between El Camino Real and Pampas Lane, including new pathways, lighting, and landscaping. Find Planning or Development (building/grading) permit application information. In addition, the file sizes must be manageable for transfer and for use by the public and County Department of Planning and Development Surveillance Use Policy Audio Recorders 1. The Department of Planning and Development offers the following pre-approved ADU plans to residents of unincorporated Santa Clara County free of charge and for public use: 800 sq. County job opportunities. Record maps can be found on The County Surveyor's Record Index map. 70 W. Tentative approval to remove trees has already been arranged (Xue Ling, CEQA NOE, Jose Kuan capital projects manager). Fee – A check payable to County of Santa Clara. List of different departments, units or teams within our organization. A public scoping/community meeting to solicit input for the Notice of Preparation will be held virtually via Zoom on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, from 6:00 p. County of Santa Cruz Department of Community Development and Infrastructure. Home; View current planning projects; View current planning projects. The GHZs were produced by combining information from a variety of published and unpublished sources regarding the location and extent of possible faults, landslides, compressible soils, dike failure flooding, and liquefaction. Although our strategic plan spans from 2023-2026, our work and commitment to these priority areas goes beyond this timeframe. East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110; Link Santa Clara County to your account; Request an inspection in the app; If you are unable to use the mobile inspection app, you can use the Public Permit Portal or call (408) 299-5700 to schedule an inspection. This team supports the county's departmental growth and various phases of major and minor capital construction projects, which include new construction, expansion, renovation, building improvements, facility space alterations, equipment installations, significant repairs, ADA County Ordinance Code The online version of the County of Santa Clara Ordinance Code is updated several times per year. Required by Department of Environmental Health (DEH) if new Vendors with Santa Clara County MFF permits; As an in-County permitted MFF, you can operate at a community event without completing a TFF application and paying TFF permit fees as long as you meet these requirements: Have a current permit decal; Have an annual Environmental Health permit; Be in good standing to operate in the County of Santa Clara. ©2025 County of Santa Fire District clearance, if located within South Santa Clara County Fire District jurisdiction for new structures or additions which exceed 500 square feet. Phone: (408) 573-2440 Fax: (408) 441-0276 Planning and Development Department. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps County Program for Commercial Solar Facilities. b Individual / Family / Supporters Strengths: 2. December 2022 : DEH organized and held additional meetings with community and partnering agencies. Note: A street name search with no street type selected will return results for records with all street types, e. April 6, 2023 meeting agenda; Item #1: File PLN20-178 - Minor Subdivision to subdivide a 78. After your project has received Grading or Drainage Permit from the Land Development Engineering Office, and field conditions differ from those shown on the approved plan, or you want to revise the plan to include or exclude other features, you are required to apply for and receive a Permit Revision. Projects are grouped by City and sorted by file number. Habitat Plan (if applicable): If located in Habitat Plan Area, submit the Habitat Plan Screening form or full Habitat Plan Application. The Department of Planning and Development works to improve the quality of life and the environment in our community through long-range planning and development permitting programs. Department of Family and Children's Services Reform Efforts and Stakeholder Collaboration; Santa Clara County Emergency Operational Area Council; Administrative Projects. FAF-Planning is responsible for sustainable, resilient, proactive, and effective planning, scoping, and budgeting of the county’s capital, space, and infrastructure needs. Other agency staff from Geology and Building Stanford University occupies 8,180 acres of land, with approximately 50% of that land being under the jurisdiction of Santa Clara County. Applies to all Planning applications. Fire Marshal fire prevention resources and information. Note: The Department of Planning & Development is only accepting electronic submittals, as paper plan sets cannot be reviewed at this time. ft, 2-bedroom, 1 bath floor plan, in either Standard (Traditional) or Contemporary Architectural style Requesting approval to remove trees as part of the County of Santa Clara's REAP program - 16 site portfolio of solar projects to save the county $58 million over 20 years in avoided energy costs and meet sustainability goals. Fleets and Facilities Department improves the lives of the people of Santa Clara County by providing a sustainably planned and built environment for delivery of Climate action planning; Building projects. 6, 2025 – ZOOM Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. 14, 2011) Desired Results: Desired Transition: Obstacles: 1. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps Historic context: County of Santa Clara Background. If you have specific questions or concerns, please set up a virtual over-the-counter meeting with the Fire Staff. Inspection scheduling Schedule a building, grading, or fire clearance inspection. Learn about its 2019 Find useful information about a parcel's location, jurisdiction, General Plan designation, Zoning, and other data of interest. Report a concern ©2025 County of Santa Clara. a search for Fulton would return records for Fulton St and Fulton Ct. from content syndication process. Property Profile is designed to provide the public with useful information about a parcel's location and jurisdiction, General Plan designation, Zoning, and other data of interest. The Department is located at70 West Hedding Infrastructure Development. This program dedicates $750 million from local sales tax receipts over Capital Projects (In Planning and Design) Skip to main content Sccgov Header Navigation Facilities and Fleet Department (408) 918-2700. All projects; In planning and development; In design and construction Facilities and Fleet Department. , 4th Floor, Phone: Public Works Submit a copy of the confirmation letter from the County of Santa Clara Watershed Protection Division with PCB ID#. Corner record checklist; ©2025 County of Santa Clara. Department of Planning and Development How Do I Apply for a permit. Setbacks vary by zoning district, and there are numerous exceptions to accommodate a variety of particular lot circumstances. Correctional Facility Maintenance and Replacement Master Planning; DEBS Innovation Committee; David Campos - Deputy County Executive Phone: (669) 294-6157. Skip to main content Sccgov Skip to main content Sccgov Header Navigation. Use links to view current and past planning projects in each city. We are a small team within the Sustainability, Utilities, and Planning Division. While every attempt is made to keep this on-line version current, it should be used for reference only. 1555 Construction Requirement Packet pursuant to County Ordinance Code . Username or email: * Password: * Forgot Password? Sign In. ©2025 County of Zoning and other development information for a property within a city can be obtained through the planning department of the particular city the property is located in. Additions, and new buildings smaller than 3000 square feet . The County of Santa Clara Department of Planning and Development also maintains a public-facing list of SB330 preliminary applications and formal applications received to date on its website: SB330 Housing Development Project. Impervious surfaces include buildings, . The following is a list of items required to submit for a residential development within the County of Santa Clara. San Jose, CA. Consult County Planning Staff for initial review and determination of type and applicable fees. a Short Term Goal: 1. (408) 299-5770 Development in Special Flood Hazard Areas is regulated by the Santa Clara County Department of Planning and Development, which is responsible for issuing permits. Planning and Development Department. A public user account in the Public Permit Portal will be required to complete the application process, to make payment and upload documents. SB330 Builder's Remedy application for a project consisting of 237 units (69 detached single-family residences, 39 triplex units, 129 multi-family units), a clubhouse with pool for residents, an 81-unit hotel and related amenities, a gate house, a storage building, and a new road network and parking area with associated storm water, infrastructure, and circulation The County of Santa Clara Community Climate Roadmap 2035 will help accelerate efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from community activities and help contribute to GHG reduction on a statewide and national scale. Santa Clara County Geographic Information Services works together with other governmental agencies in a sustained effort to provide enhanced access to high quality geographic information in pursuit of better public Planning and Development; 180 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134. County Services; Departments; About the County; Search. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps Facilities and Fleet Department improves the lives of the people of Santa Clara County by providing a sustainably planned and built environment for FAF consists of capital planning, design, construction management, operational management, Project management, and lifecycle maintenance/repair of all vehicles and equipment. Accessory Dwelling Unit information sheet (FAQ) Planning Commission staff reports and presentations; San Martin Planning Advisory Committee staff reports and presentation Board of Supervisors staff report Staff presentation Department of Planning and Development How Do I Apply for a permit; Building Permits; Grading County stamp space: Recommended Alignment: Grid lines should line up between sheets; PDF format: ©2025 County of Santa Clara. Map review Checklists and information regarding map submittal with the County Surveyor's Office. County Budget and Finance Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. The County of Santa Clara is responsible for the expressway system and county roads in unincorporated areas. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps The Department offers online applications for Minor Residential Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Reroof permits. If your project qualifies for a Minor Permit, go to the Public Permit Portal to apply. . The current ALUC referral fee is $1829. Facilities and Fleet ©2025 County of Santa The Santa Clara Valley Water Resources Protection Collaborative (Water Collaborative) was established in 2002, bringing together the County of Santa Clara, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, 15 cities, and various other governmental and non-governmental entities to promote stream protection, and to develop a consensus-based, more unified approach to land use and Learn more about Santa Clara County through our interactive maps and geographic data. In 2016, planned expressway improvements were re-prioritized for inclusion in the Measure B Expressway Improvement Program. California law includes some tenant protections, but many jurisdictions in Santa Clara County have adopted more robust protections. c Action Steps By Individual / Family / Supporters: Revised: January 2024 1 Department of Planning and Development . Contact us FAF. The Santa Clara County Planning Commission is a seven-member body of community representatives appointed by the Board of Supervisors. This page contains a collection of larger development projects that are currently being processed by the Department. Not Registered? Create an Account The Active Planning Projects and Previous Project pages have the pertinent details and information for these projects, as well as a list of recent development applications (including the file number and address) that have been submitted to the Department. It is comprised of volunteer community representatives, with two commissioners representing each of the five County supervisorial districts and one member serving at-large. 5-20. All rights Find step-by-step instructions on how to use the County's Public Permit Portal below. Hedding St. In summary, staff is proposing the following: Remove the current requirement of a Use Permit for keeping horses not owned to the property owner Very large and/or long running events may require application through the department; please contact the County of Santa Clara Planning Office at (408) 299-5700 to determine if your event requires planning department approval. Projects are sorted by file number, and include a summary of project description, location, contact person, and Processing Planning Applications SB330 Housing Development Project For a list of SB330 preliminary application submittals and formal application submittals, refer to the SB330 Project List, and to review frequently asked questions (FAQs) about SB330 projects in the County, refer to the SB330 FAQs. 2025 Zoning Administration Public Hearing Schedule . About Us. Corner Records . The term "building setback" means the required separation between a lot line (and/or right-of-way line) and a building or structure. The Department reviews planning and building applications, conducts code enforcement, and manages agriculture, open space, and historic preservation programs. The information on the Tax Rate Area (TRA) tab can be used to determine which Jurisdiction the property falls in to (TRA format: 017-222). Find County EV charge stations Santa Clara County is situated in one of the most geologically active regions in North America. The County updated its ordinances to reflect these new laws. To create a user account, see the Public Permit Portal User Manual. January 11, 2023: An informational presentation to the Santa Clara County Cities Managers’ Association takes Implementation of our strategic plan is monitored and evaluated regularly. County of Santa Clara . B11. Planning a CME Activity; Continuing Medical Education Calendar; Conferences & Training; For Other Health Care Professionals; Learn More; SANTA CLARA VALLEY Santa Clara County Mental Health Department – Treatment Plan (TCP) MHD QI Form 13 (Oct. Santa Clara County REBUILD Threshold Table; Department of Planning and Development How Do I Apply for a permit; Building Permits; Grading *Planning services begin at 8:30 a. 101 Skyport Drive San Jose, CA 95110 United States. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. , East Wing, 7th Floor Climate action planning. Public hearings and outreach meetings related to Senate Bill 9 in Unincorporated Santa Clara County: County Wide informational meeting (August 4, 2022) Planning Commission (July 28, 2022) SMPAC (July 27, 2022) West County (July 20, 2022) Planning Commission (June 23, 2022) HLUET (June 23, 2022) SMPAC (June 22, 2022; West County (April 28, 2022) Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. The Department regulates land use, construction and mining in unincorporated Santa Clara County. The Santa Clara County General Plan, 1995-2010, was adopted December 20, 1994. This application can be viewed at the County Planning Office. If you need further assistance, contact us via email at [email protected] or call us at (408) 299-5700. Department of Planning and Development. DEH begins outreach to the stakeholders, community members, and partnering agencies from the 15 cities and County Planning Department. The Building Section and Fire Marshal’s Office review plans and conduct inspections to ensure structures meet the life, health, and safety standards of the County Building and Fire Codes, comply with accessibility requirements, and have a reduced impact on the environment through compliance with County energy and green building standards codes. Department of Planning and Development Surveillance Use Policy Audio Recorders 1. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps Grading work may be subject to approval by the Planning Office. Requestor must provide necessary information to allow the Department of Planning and Development (Department) to search for the relevant records. 2019 county operations emissions were 108,724 MTC02e. Public record request Learn more about how to access public records maintained by the Department of Planning and Development. Copies of the following items are required to be To improve the lives of the people of Santa Clara County by providing a sustainably planned and built environment for County services delivery. A Grading Permit is required if proposed construction would involve more than 150 cubic yards of cut or fill grading 5 feet beyond the building foundation, or where cuts or fills exceed 5 feet in vertical height. Check Planning or Development Permit status. For properties that are not in a city limit, a Building Permit Record Search can be requested in-person at the front counter. 32 acres (Lot B) for the purposes of future residential development of each lot. built (or substantially improved) after the effective date of the community’s first Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). SB330 Builder's Remedy application for a project consisting of 237 units (69 detached single-family residences, 39 triplex units, 129 multi-family units), a clubhouse with pool for residents, an 81-unit hotel and related amenities, a gate house, a storage building, and a new road network and parking area with associated storm water, infrastructure, and circulation Santa Clara County Planning Office has an informal Pre Screening (PS) process for property owners, architects, engineers, and developers. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose Thursday, January 23, 2025 - rescheduled to January 17, 2025 at 2:00 p. Facilities and Fleet Department; Planning team; Planning team. The Department is located at70 West Hedding We provide a sustainable system of diverse regional parks, trails and natural areas that connects people with the natural environment, supports healthy lifestyles, offering outstanding visitor experiences that renew the human spirit, while balancing recreation opportunities with the protection of natural, cultural, historic, and scenic resources. The Department of Planning and Development collaborated with community representatives to develop a revised, Complete “Santa Clara County REBUILD Threshold” table and add table to the Cover Sheet or Demolition Plan sheet. However, grading work which consists of cut and fill each of which is 500 cubic yards or less in volume, or cut and fill each of which is 1,000 cubic yards or less in volume where the average slope of the proposed developed area is 15% or less is eligible for a grading permit, small. See Santa Clara County Ordinance for amendments to the 2022 California Fire Code. The law permits up to ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the request to determine whether the Department possesses any disclosable public records sought by the request. Department of Planning and Development. Applicants must register for an account and contact the Permit Center ( [email protected] or call (408) 299-5700 ) to have the user account linked as a contact to the application Revised: January 2024 1 Department of Planning and Development . a Short Term Goal: 2. Thursday, Jan. " You may mail the check to our office at: 70 W. Associated Links; Building Inspection; Code Enforcement; Fire Marshal; South County Joint Read more about the Department’s Resubmittal Procedure. The County implements the NPDES requirements through its development review process to ensure local waterways meet pollution prevention and flow management requirements. 2019 resi dential checklists. 701 Ocean St. File a public record request. County of Santa Clara is responsible for maintaining records of plans and providing the public with access to them. Submittal requirements. The minimum fee for an application to abandon a private right of way ranges for $4,247 - $5,178 if it needs to be coordinated with a Land Development project review, as established by a October 5, 2023. Office Location 70 W. – 4:30 p. Is my property located within a Geologic Hazard Zone? Geologic hazard maps. Files kept in our electronic database must be compatible with a wide range of computer software for storage, viewing, and printing. The purpose of SMP AC is to serve as an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission and shall have the following functions and duties: (l) to provide advisory recommendations on land use applications for properties within the San Martin Planning Area that require Planning Commission or Board of Supervisor approval; (2) to review and For more information, please see our ordinance updates, the CALGreen requirements (Part 11, Title 24), and the CALGreen checklists below:. Search by APN or street address using GIS to generate a report. It presents key implementation strategies and actions for unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County and coordinated Applies to all Planning applications. Santa Cruz County completes its 6th Cycle Housing Element and Sustainability Policy, addressing housing shortages and promoting sustainable development to enhance the quality of life in unincorporated areas. Survey Review; Tract number issuance Requirements to apply for a tract number. As it relates to the above referenced application, pursuant to County of Santa Clara Ordinance Code Section A33-6, except where otherwise expressly prohibited by state or federal law, I hereby agree to defend, Business Hours Monday– Friday 8:00 a. . The Department of Planning and Development regulates land development in the County's unincorporated areas, issues and monitors permits for various types of land use development The Department of Planning and Development regulates land development in the County's unincorporated areas, issues and monitors permits for various types of land use development and activities, and investigates reported code violations. 95110. , East Wing, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 View on Google Maps Facilities and Fleet Department Report a concern; Request County space; Request public records; In design and construction; Completed; Bid opportunities; Home; All County building projects; Building projects: in planning and development; Fairgrounds; Contact information; Contact information. Skip to main content Facilities and Fleet Department; Facilities and Fleet Department. Business License software system and program to provide a framework to track and regulate businesses in unincorporated Santa Clara County. The ordinance defines types of Facilities and Fleet Department improves the lives of the people of Santa Clara County by providing a sustainably planned and built environment for County services delivery. County Geologist (408) 299-6711 Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, ©2025 County of Santa Clara. Apply for a permit; Building Permits; Grading Permits; Minor Permits; Planning Permits Please make sure checks are payable to "County of Santa Clara. RESIDENTIAL PLANNING SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST. 1 acres (Lot A) and 43. If property is a historic resource, complete and sign the Identification of Structures for Potential Historic Significance form and submit a copy of the Santa Clara County Property Record for the property. to 8:00 p. The Historical Heritage Commission (HHC) was established by the Board of Supervisors to protect, preserve, and promote historic resources within Santa Clara County. As a matter of public safety, geologic review is required for proposed development on land located within a geologic hazard zone, or any proposed development or ground disturbance that may increase the risk of damage caused by a geologic hazard. The Planning Division plays a key role in supporting economic development and ensuring opportunities for the public to participate in land development activity in Santa Clara. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. What does the County Geologic Ordinance require? The Santa Clara County Geologic Ordinance (Sections C12-600 through C12-624) establishes minimum requirements for the geologic evaluation of land, based on proposed land uses and geologic hazard zones. Annexation review Purpose. The County is embarking on a Safety Element Update that is intended to be completed by the end of 2024. New Planning Application Submittals. Welcome to Santa Clara County Department of Planning and Development's Online Property Profile application. This agreement sets forth the policies of the County of Santa Clara, the City of Palo Alto, and Stanford University regarding land use, annexation, planning and development of Stanford lands in Santa Clara County. Email: [email protected] Sccgov Footer Navigation. In addition, the file sizes must be manageable for transfer and for use by the public and County County Fire Marshal Office Permit application Applicants may use the online permit center to check the status of projects, submit digital documents, and make payments. County In 2003 and 2008, the Roads and Airports Department assessed the countywide expressway network for deficiencies and future capital improvement needs. County of Santa Clara. The Department is located at 70 West Hedding Street, in San Jose, CA. Checklist for Well Construction Application. osfkxl smm gnwz iov lyww oqzql gttgl arfkqvb qxhv ihoy