Saturn square moon synastry lindaland Travelman Lindaland Astrology 2. His Saturn squares my Sun and Moon by 2 degrees, my Saturn in loose Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Their Uranus conjunct my Mars, square my With my ex-husband I had my sun/moon mp (which is also exactly conj my own Saturn in my chart) oppose my ex's Venus. If the couple is determined to have a harmonious bond, they can overcome these struggles. He has even relocated but we always end up talking again some how. Now that I think about it when my Venus square someone's Mercury, I don't really Lindaland Astrology 2. Posts: 18086 From: Registered: Jul 2011: posted February 02, 2015 07:17 AM Moon conjunct Saturn. kani Knowflake . This cosmic alignment brings together the emotional and Did the synastry chart and noticed we had a Mars-Pluto double whammy (a trine at 0 degrees), a Venus-Mars double whammy, a lillith mars double whammy, sun-moon squares, and then our Saturn/Sun, Saturn/Venus, Saturn/Moon (most successful marriages have a hard aspect in Composite of Saturn/Moon), Saturn/Saturn, Saturn/Mars - soft tight aspects are best (trine and Someone said it feels like the other person lingers in the back of your mind and that’s absolutely true in my case. Moon square Moon may never be able to truly touch hearts in a real manner of simpatico. From what I've gathered, Mercury feels childish in the presence of Saturn; the aspect basically leads to a lack of communication. Posts: 3074 From: Customer Service Rep. Giving and receiving love are not flowing and natural for people born with Venus in hard aspect to Saturn. my brother and his girlfriend: pr Venus quindecile pr Mars exact pr Venus semisquare n Sun exact (pr Mars septile n Venus exact) n Venus sesisquare pr Mars exact. In astrology too, Venus and saturn share a special connection. and Any Other Planetary Patterns While so far, this may sound very Plutonian, I read that Saturn square or opposite moon is about love feeling conditional Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 840 From: New York, NY USA Registered: Nov 2013: posted March 09, 2016 08:18 AM Is it the moon that feels most sexually attracted or the mars? unlike Saturn. Mars- Saturn DW (square/ opposition) Jupiter trine Saturn (11 seconds from exact). Moon Sq. (I am mars) Moon-mars square. I definitely feel that. According to Reinhold Ebertin's book,COSMIC MARRIAGE. Emotional Clashes. Saturn square Neptune synastry can indicate a conflict between selfishness and selflessness. (mainly lindaland) there's a lot of long term couples When you mentioned this I decided to check the synastry of this guy who I have been friends with since 2001. Tough synastry. My question is: have you ever experienced these aspects? How did you feel? Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Saturn - Pluto contacts in synastry = long lasting obsessive passion My Saturn square my guy’s Pluto/Moon/Nodes. (My Moon is 10* Scorpio as is the hubby's Vertex). 0 Moon-Mars in synastry--hurts so good profile | Posts: 164 From: Chicago, USA Registered: May 2011: posted June 22, 2011 06:55 PM In synastry moon square mars, and moon opposite mars. 0 Jupiter/Saturn in synastry profile next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Jupiter/Saturn in synastry: DD Knowflake . The most apparent challenge is the potential for frequent emotional clashes. Anyway, we have been friends for about 22 years now; through all changes in both lives and social status (she now has a family, while I am single for example). com) Lindaland Astrology Saturn conjunct MC in synastry It's similar to Moon oppose Saturn. The other guy where my pluto is on his moon, his Saturn is conjunct my mars. Nahty this is what venus/saturn synastry feels like at first Sun square Saturn DW - very binding but ends up feeling oppressive. Sun square Uranus in Synastry. and for friendships sun conjunct moon <--very nurturing and close. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. Clearly, we don't know where this relationship is going as it's all quite new. I really hope everyone who has their Saturn square someone's Sun in synastry doesn't feel the same way about the Sun person like you. This impasse, so to speak, will be hard to bridge. Overall though it doesn't look that bad or Saturn heavy . 9. Also Saturn squaring the Nodes is the mark of karmic tie - Her Lust on my Saturn - Her Union on my Pluto of the Mars/Pluto/Venus stellium - Her Pluto on my Nymphe, trine my Lust - Her North Node within 2 degrees of my Karma, which unfortunately is on Algol - Her Sun opposite my Moon/Chiron - Her Mars 2 deg from square my Venus of Mars/Pluto/Venus. Venus in each other's 1st house - you just like the person. Saturn square Lilith synastry can create a tumultuous dynamic. Posts: 6727 I've both in one synastry. You would think, based on sun/moon synastry, the Leo friend would be drawn to or become friends with the two Leo moons instead of me since I only have Venus there. Topic: Moon/Pluto in Synastry : Ami Anne Moderator . Howevevr i do not quite remember whether it is a positive or a difficult aspect. Posts: 3063 From: Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 239 From: He has moon in Gemini and I have moon in Pisces. His Mercury sextile my Saturn orb 2° 51' Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 58381 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009: posted I have had Venus (me) square Saturn (him) and Sun-Saturn DW (conj and opposition - I was Saturn in the conjunction) with 2 ex boyfriends. com) Topic: Moon/Mars synastry- Who feels it more? manderin Knowflake . I've been digging around on the internet but haven't found much information on Mercury/Saturn in synastry. Saturn-Midheaven (conjunction,square,opposition) is interpreted as: You and your boyfriend have 2 synastry T-Squares Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. You experienced some sort of control issues in your childhood and your original family. 0 Heavy Saturn/Pluto synastry next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Heavy Saturn/Pluto synastry: babybull82 Knowflake . Topic: Saturn/Venus Double Whammy in Synastry: themysterymachine Newflake . You are careful, even circumspect when it comes to social contacts. Posts: 207 From: It's one of the worst aspects to have, apart from venus square saturn, because it's about distance, instability and all these things you normally cant handle in an intimate relationship. This synastry aspect is often seen as an uncomfortable combination of energies in relationship astrology. However, perhaps they share some saturn aspects. com) Lindaland Author: Topic: Nodes in Synastry (conjunctions to personal planets) jyeshthatequila Knowflake . Moon/Jupiter, Moon/Moon, Moon/Ascendant, Venus/Sun etc. Healing through the pain Saturn square moon synastry is one of the most potent and challenging aspects between two people. One individual may feel restricted or Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. She is very mature,disciplined,structured,reserved,and serious. com) Lindaland Brown Owl School ASTROLOGY:Moon/Chiron in Synastry (Page 1) Topic: ASTROLOGY:Moon/Chiron in Synastry : Ami Anne Knowflake . This was a very in depth analysis of how saturn works in synastry. With Froggie, my own p Sun Saturn sq was ZERO when it started, his pMars was appl to my Saturn (opp 3 deg) his pVenus appl trine to my Saturn (2 deg. my For instance, if the synastry chart also features Saturn trine Saturn, it can indicate that despite emotional differences, In synastry, Moon square Moon calls for the acknowledgment and acceptance of each other's emotional needs, along with open and honest communication, to find a path towards emotional understanding and growth. My N Saturn conjuncts Neptune, squares Moon, Mercury, Uranus and this Capricorn played upon all these aspects, challenging me to not buy into his neurosis and stay detached. 0 Sun Square Saturn - A Love Aspect profile Her Saturn square his Moon, Mercury, Venus; his Saturn square her Mars and conjunct her Sun. IP: Logged Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Posts: 25 From: Israel Registered: Jun 2004: posted June 14 My Saturn (Virgo) is loosely trine his Taurus Moon and his Saturn (Scorpio) is rather tightly trine my Pisces Sun. Moon quincunx How about nn/saturn connection both ways? one is by 0 degree (the conunction) the other is by 6 degrees (trine)? we have other saturn contacts like sun conj but thats by 8 degrees (but since its sun and saturn, some astrologers use it. Posts: 9778 From: Death Star NN square Moon, 0 NN square MC, 1 Priapus opposite Mars, 2. Sun-mars quincunx at 1 degree. my Moon and trn. His Saturn squares his own Moon, and mine, since they are in tight opposition. Just seems like we are either really into each Did the synastry chart and noticed we had a Mars-Pluto double whammy (a trine at 0 degrees), a Venus-Mars double whammy, a lillith mars double whammy, sun-moon squares, and then our Jupiters and Saturns were both trine each others. She describes how it works. (iQ) EXAMPLES . Venus square or opposition Saturn. Like one Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. "That aspect can indeed produce unbearable sexual attraction. sun in aspect to jupiter (preferrably conjunct) -->JOY and happiness abound. in synastry can indicate a relationship where both parties want to take care of each other without hurting each other Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 0 Mars Square Venus in synastry (Page 1) I share a Venus/Mars square in synastry with my mate, and all I can say is that it is the most loving, emotionally fulfilling, spiritually invigorating, affectionate and compassionate, and FRICKIN' HOT, relationship I have ever knownand I've had my share! both of our Suns Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. My Saturn is sxt. Saturn rules my 7th and 8th, and his 11th. and Saturn Square Mars at 6 orbs. Her Saturn also square my Moon and I feel that she censors her Lindaland Astrology 2. His Saturn also squared my Venus and he had Moon square Saturn natally. Node Saturn opposite Chiron Saturn trine Ascendant Saturn trine moon Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Honestly you just seem like a nasty and Mars/Saturn square. we still have a free will Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. The Uranus person resents any hint of emotional dependency from the Moon person, which can to an on-off energy between the couple. Moon oppose Moon have an opposite emotional reaction to things. It can create a powerful connection but also a lot of tension and difficulty. The Saturn squares on the other hand can indeed show some oppressive feelings or like things are "too heavy", but again, depends on the natal position and the level of consciousness of both people. com) Lindaland but I noticed that my bf and I had a tough time with our tough SAturn synastry placements (there were tons - he has a very tough Saturn natal), but then once we were established, the easier Saturn energy (tons of that between us in composite) has been very apparent. 0 Moon/Venus synastry Author: Topic: Moon/Venus synastry: Aeline Knowflake . 0 Saturn & Neptune in synastry Author: Topic: Saturn & Neptune in synastry: Venusian Moon Knowflake . When the Moon person begins to show dependency, the Uranus person withdraws, but may return after he has had enough distance. mars square mars. There is a Saturn opposite Moon at 8 orb. Posts: 247 From: His natal Mercury conjunct Sun/Venus, square Jupiter/Saturn, sextile Neptune, trine Pluto. Evolved, what stands out to me in your synastry is you guys have good binding aspects (Sun conjunct Moon, Sun conjunct Juno, Venus conjunct Venus etc), but if anything I would look at the squares your Mars and Uranus make to his moon. Although the Moon person isn’t always rational, they usually have a good reason for what they feel underneath. I have mined some of Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Here are some of the potential benefits of Saturn square Neptune: Increased awareness of reality. My Mercury falls in his 10H ruled by his Dsc ruler. Saturn’s moral values may judge Lilith’s sexual nature, because they feel insecure about Lilith’s free spirit. next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Mars square neptune - synastry: curiouswoman Knowflake . The difference is I can let go of pain after a short period of time whereas he dwells on it several years after a painful experience occurred; his wounds are permanent, IP: Logged. They are siblings. With my celeb crush: AC conjunct MC, 1 Generally, at least one aspect from Saturn to one of the luminaries in synastry or composite is a good sign for longtermness. Posts: 179 From: Registered: Apr 2009: posted August 21, 2009 12:00 what do you think the terrible parts are in the synastry and how did they manifest in your relationship? IP With this Moon square Saturn synastry aspect, the Saturn person must learn to work with the emotional nature of the Moon person. It might be easier for them to handle the Saturn square Sun aspect in synastry? The person has Saturn quintile Sun in their natal chart. but lot of jupiter connections as well. saturn trine north node saturn semi-square AC pluto square AC pluto opp MC pluto con IC. Sometimes I think maybe our Sun/Moon mp sign describes how we act or how we 'do' relationship. com) Lindaland Astrology Surviving saturn square mars in synastry | faq | search: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Surviving saturn square mars in synastry: Tuesday unregistered : posted December 03, ~Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius In Synastry, Saturn may represent older orSaturn conjunct Sun is seen in fated marriages, soulmates and long term commitments. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon-uranus square in synastry. an exact Venus-Mars conj. SN conj Sun-Saturn-Mars (My Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Rosalind Knowflake . MsLeora Knowflake . My mercury aspects none of his planets, given I don't count out of sign aspects. Moon is natural ruler of the 4th house. I find my lust for him hitting the roof and it drives me crazy. But synastry wise, my partner and I have many many trines in our chart. The Saturn / angle contacts are the closest aspects when it comes to Saturn. Snow Dragon Knowflake . I'm dating a guy and we have Moon-Pluto aspects: - My Moon opposite his Pluto (3° orb); - His Moon square my Pluto (0° orb); I have Moon opposite Pluto in my natal chart and he has Moon square Pluto in his, so I guess we're prone to attract plutonic relationships. Anyone else have Node contacts like this with someone else? IP: Logged. The Moon person responds to situations in an emotional manner and may feel my best friend and me have a mutual aspect of Saturn square Moon (me: Saturn) and Saturn opposite Moon (her saturn). Ami Anne Moderator . In a weak/challenged synastry or in the case Mars or Saturn are challenged in the natals, it's an aspect potentially leading to frustration, harshness and ultimately to violence. I also like sun square pluto in synastry and moon in aspect to pluto in composite -->you find that person fascinating Anyway I just wanted to now if anyone had experience with someone whose Vertex conjuncts their Moon. In natal I've Mercury sextile Saturn while his sextile Uranus/square Neptune. The square between Saturn-Neptune in the Synastry chart can indicate a karmic lover relationship, but the lovers have not usually lost one another through their love, that is, their relationship didn't cause or contribute to the death of one or both partners as can be the case with the Saturn-Neptune opposition in a karmic house touching a Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I’m Saturn. Lindaland Astrology 2. I know he feels the lust too becos he's so dirty & horny with me. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Saturn square North Node in Synastry Author: Topic: Saturn square North Node in Synastry: Mohini108 unregistered : posted August 24, 2016 02:11 PM Is this aspect as bad as it sounds? I've read hard aspects between Saturn and NN is very difficult, and I've also read Lindaland Astrology 2. But it is totally my karma since I broke up with my last guy for his Mercury squaring my Mars in the end I couldn't stand him!!! SATURN. There have been times where we have gone a year or so without talking. For instance, Saturn opposite Moon is another challenging aspect that brings emotional lessons, while Vesta opposite Ascendant can reveal insights about our dedication to personal growth. My current relationship also has lots of squares. Other than that their Saturn conjunct my Moon at 10 orb. It’s important to understand that Moon square Saturn in a composite chart doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship lacks love. Thanks . It often compels both people towards each other in obsessive ways. When that natal planet is Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, or Mars, we feel the effects in a personal way depending on the planet involved. -----Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising. Saturn square Neptune is a challenging astrological aspect that can bring about difficulties but also benefits. What if the woman's venus is sextile the man's moon ( 2 deg) but her saturn is Composite Moon square Saturn and Outside responsibilities. This article will illuminate what each partner struggles The combination of the Moon in conjunction with Saturn, opposition to Saturn, or square to Saturn in a synastry chart holds a profound influence on relationships. Moon trine Venus feels like pure love. Posts: 600 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013: posted September 26, 2014 09:18 PM Hi Everyone, That's so Natal Saturn square When Saturn squares the Moon in a synastry chart, it signifies a significant challenge in the emotional connection between two individuals. In the composite chart between the man I have loved for 5 plus years, we have major Saturn. In composite we have: ASC conjunct Saturn. The square is exact, the other aspect is 5 degrees. I know it's supposed to be a 7th house cusp, but I can kind of relate to my midpoint sign. And because of the Moon/NN double whammy in synastry, we have Moon conjunct NN in Composite at an exact 0°. This is often known as the “unrequited love” aspect. We're both very mature and come from stressful families. We also have a NN square Saturn at 2°. February 24, 2024 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Our moons are squared, BUT his moon is conjunct my Sun, trines my Saturn and Pluto, and is opposite to my Neptune. It can surely go both ways, with Saturn hurting the Pluto person with their cold or unresponsive (self-protective?) ways. He actually told me he wasn't going to let me in, that others had tried and failed. With understanding and effort, a Moon Square Saturn synastry aspect can lead to profound personal growth for both Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon conjunct Chiron synastry posted January 09, 2017 06:22 PM Can anyone tell me their personal thoughts on moon conjunct Chiron Or moon conjunct Saturn in synastry. Exactly what we lack in normal synastry. Glaucus Moderator . There's a lot of intimate relating between us perhaps because we've other nice Moon aspects, The moon person is often surprisingly open and romantic with Saturn while Saturn is on the receiving end rather than the giving end. com) Lindaland Author: Topic: Can Moon conjunct Saturn in synastry create an emotional bond? Lerena Knowflake . Posts: 1085 From: Registered: Jun 2012: posted September 08, 2012 02:30 PM Your experience? What is better - conjunction, trine, whatever? My husband and I have Moon square Venus (1 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Astrology Sun-Saturn square- synastry next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Sun-Saturn square- synastry: CapGirl unregistered : posted July 17, 2006 02:59 PM some people can make a sun square moon more positive than a sun conjuct venus, ect. His Saturn trine my Moon; my Saturn square his Moon. Saturn Square Neptune Synastry. Moon square Moon synastry, while rich in potential, is not without its share of challenges and difficulties. Posts: 5274 From: Registered: Apr 2009 while my bf has Moon square Uranus and some air/fire planets to get along with my Jupiter. com) Lindaland "Moon in 4th House Synastry Overlay The Moon in the partner’s fourth house of a synastry overlay creates a love/hate relationship. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Topic: Mars Conjunct Saturn in Synastry: salonroquet Newflake . com) Lindaland NN conj Moon (My NN, my close friend's moon): He said: "I feel like we have a real emotional connection" [this is a closed-down scorp so was quite easy to ID this!] NN conj Venus (His (same guy) NN, my venus): I feel a very deep familial caring love for him. My moon is also opposite his ascendant and sits in his 7th house. They were like family, more like father and child, or even older brother and sister than anything else. Moon/Saturn hard contacts within a natal chart are so painful because we sense My partner and I have Saturn square Venus in synastry and I also have it in my natal. Question on the Vertex: If another’s Saturn squares my Vertex, their planetary Any planet squaring closely the Asc / Dsc in synastry affects the angle person very strongly, because it is also at their midpoint, and the angle flexes with every movement of the planet person, but Pluto and Saturn specifically hold an unusual strong power over the angle person when they square it. Posts: 1662 From: Registered: Jul 2011: posted August 26, 2011 02:10 PM Moon-Gemini Venus-Aquarius Mars-Capricorn. Posts: 736 From: Registered: Sep 2018: posted June 05, 2019 02:25 AM If you've ever experienced this, have you been the Moon or ASC? Pluto square Mars/Mercury. Other than the square, we have positive Saturn Moon Square Saturn Synastry. Posts: 5228 Sun-Saturn in Synastry My first ex boyfriend and I had strong Saturn aspects in our synastry chart. You don't show your emotions easily, unless you feel 100% safe and accepted. 0 Venus Square Saturn Synastry (Page 1) This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Venus Square Saturn Synastry: violet7887 Knowflake . His sun and moon both trine my Chiron, his Venus trines my moon, his Neptune trine my Venus, his Pluto trine my rising etc. Saturn loosely conjunct South Node Chiron conjunct MC exact conjunction of Moons My easiest and longest relationship (so far) was dominated by squares and oppositions, including sun sq jupiter and jupiter square moon (and others, sun square saturn, moon sq pluto DW, Uranus sq Merc DW). com) Topic Closed Topic: Moon square Venus in Synastry: asclibrasagsun Knowflake . Posts: 870 From: Registered: Jun 2011: posted May 10, 2012 03:04 PM Has anyone had any experience of Saturn conjunct South Node in synastry? His Saturn was within 2* conjunct my SN and square my Moon (4), conj. ) Here we have a DW pVenus trine Saturn plus, his Mars/Saturn to my entire pstellium. Natal Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and the material world. com) : Email This Page to Someone! This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 : next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: T-Square in Synastry . Blockages are experienced, and love relationships may be a source of frustration as a result, The most exact aspect in our charts is Mercury Square Saturn (he is Mercury, I am Saturn, the Orb is 0'09). com) Lindaland Topic: Vertex/Anti-Vertex in synastry. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology 2. I've read that on another board and it made my skin crawl, because it does sound horrible and true at the same time - it's based on an interpretataion by Liz Greene on Mars/Saturn square in synastry. Yes, we are all very LOUD, and we do disagree daily on the most petty stuff (we also all have Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn conjunct). Not too sure if we have Moon-Jupiter DW since his birthtime is unknown. . Posts: 38629 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted December 11, 2012 11:26 AM Lindaland Astrology 2. So I suppose it does count. Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012: posted February 15, 2015 05:36 PM Synastry Q & A: The Vertex. Saturn normally hates Mars. Posts: 7180 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014: posted June 24 Venus square or opposite Pluto - can't help myself Jupiter conjunctions/trines with Venus First relationship: I had pSun opp pMoon square Saturn and his own Moon transited my Saturn at its beginning. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology Eros in Synastry (Page 1) His Eros trine my moon His Eros square my psyche His psyche sextile my Eros I think to all the relationships work must have a Saturn aspect with the personal planets. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Lindaland Astrology Synastry: Saturn conjunct Vertex (Page 1) he is a very touchy and difficult person to be living beside. You may have conflicting feelings about each other. Posts: 6729 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014: posted February 28, 2015 04:16 AM Since the square is the active, eventful, "doing things" part of a chart, including a synastry, it makes sense for a square between Mars and Saturn to be a good aspect. Either in a composite or natal. But is this all Lilith or other aspects causing it? IP: Logged. com) Lindaland Astrology Saturn square moon double whammy (synastry) profile | register | preferences | faq | search: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Saturn square moon double whammy (synastry) pseudofemme unregistered : posted September 14, 2007 10 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. His Mercury falls in my 4H ruled by Mercury. Both persons involved learn and both teach. The Saturn square Ascendant aspect in synastry can be seen as a sort of "power struggle" within the relationship. Posts: 19 From: Registered: Jan 2014: posted November 06, 2014 04:44 AM Is this aspect in synastry basically a sign of doom and gloom in a relationship? I have moon square saturn , saturn conjunct So if the planet person has a Saturn/Sun aspect in their natal chart. 0 Venus/Saturn=True love (Page 1) My longest relationship featured a tight Saturn square Venus aspect in synastry, wherein I was the Venus person. Many long-term couples have a square between Saturn and Sun or Moon in synastry or the composite. My current relationship has . Venus / Mars DW - conjunction & square - it was a long-distance crush, but we were both into each other at some point. Mine falls in his 8th, and squ. Registered: Apr 2015: posted May 04, 2018 01:40 PM Is there anything positive about having this aspect in synastry? So with Moon square Saturn in In synastry we've Lilith opp/square Mars DW. This cosmic alignment brings together the emotional and practical aspects of a connection, resulting in a practical blend of nurturing, responsibility, faithfulness, and tradition. Sun, venus and chiron are in the 5th H Well, they had very, very strong Moon-synastry. He felt I was ‘controlling’ but from my perspective he was reckless and doing things to rub his ego / feel good (to his own detriment) only to show that he was ‘in-charge’, that he was But for long term wise, venus/saturn is the go to aspect. Posts: 1123 From: on earth squaring his 7th house Saturn squaring his ASC (trine his Black Moon Lilith) IP Every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet. Saturn conjunct Uranus 2*a Saturn square sun 4*a Saturn square Union 5*a Saturn square Venus 5*a Saturn square Mercury 3*s Saturn square Juno/Eros 7*a Saturn opposite Karma 0*a Neptune square Moon synastry offers a complex but richly rewarding dynamic, promising profound emotional and spiritual connections. Venus Square Pluto orb: 4 ° Moon Opposition Mars orb: 4 ° Saturn on the DSC in synastry means one person "grounds" the other - offers them stability and seriousness. com) Lindaland In composite Anubis forms a Grand Cross with Saturn, Moon and Jupiter. I have this currently with my Libra 29 Mercury square his Cancer 29 Mars further complicated by his tight Mars Saturn square (which my Merc triggers by conjunction). his own 8th house ruler (Venus). significant. With this Moon square Saturn synastry aspect, the Moon person usually feels limited by the Saturn person. It implies a strong karma. pr Sun quindecile n Moon exact Anyway I had the exact same synastry aspects (including Mars square Saturn) with a few others (the only exception being Moon-Saturn) because everyone I liked was born same year same month with one or two days difference. 8. Posts: 617 From: Nyc Registered: Feb 2013: posted June 15, 2013 04:47 AM The square between Saturn-Neptune in the Synastry chart can indicate a karmic lover relationship i have a question, how is that the square can activate this? why do you astrologers often talk about the conjunction and NOT the SQUARE? if apparently the SQUARE between you and your boyfriend seemed to activate similar to the conjunction would. While the connection feels profound, soulful, and transformative, it also brings underlying issues to the surface that demand resolution. com) Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: SynastrySun square Saturn: PiscesP Knowflake . how about a 9 years relationship with this square, and anothet one from Saturn to Moon, and Saturn to Sun, any many other 'cook-book-No-No's" it can work just fine! one aspect doesn't make or brake a relationship. His mercury, opp my Sun/Mars square my Moon trine my Saturn. And some more outstanding conjunctions. Posts: 14 Mercury Square Mars Orb 0°43' Neptune Square Saturn Orb 0°47' Sun Square Uranus Orb 2°59' Moon SemiSextile Saturn Orb 1°58' IP: Logged. interesting article on the meaning : Gabby Moderator . It's difficult to get a point across without initiating an argument. We both have Saturn In my own chart, I have Saturn in H10 which is said to be a good placement, and Saturn conjunct sun, sextile rising, and sextile Mars. Neptune may not receive the emotional nourishment they expect to get from Saturn. 23 Knowflake . Saturn Conjunct Uranus Synastry Saturn conjunct Uranus synastry can create a crucible where traditional values are tested against the fires of innovation. Posts: 71 From: Registered: May 2017: posted May 15, 2017 04:01 PM Either a DW Venus-Saturn trine/square or just Venus square Saturn with either me or the other being Saturn. My moon trines his Sun, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Ceres (all in Scorpio), Jupiter and Uranus. More specifically, my Saturn was conjunct his Sun in Scorpio. Sun opposite or square Saturn, despite the strong bond you both feel, there is a difference in. His mars is in my 4th. Benefits of Saturn Square Neptune . Posts: 252 From: Hollis, New York, USA Randall Webmaster . And we have Moon sextile Saturn in synastry I'm the Saturn person. com) Author: Topic: Moon aspecting ascendant in synastry!?? next to neptune Knowflake . Posts: 250 From: The Strand. Saturn may try to “civilize” Lilith, such as telling Lilith not to wear overly sexy clothes. pr MC square pr Venus exact pr Vertex quindecile pr Mars exact pr Avx conjunct pr SAturn exact (mom`s DESc-ruler) pr Sun square n Vertex exact. His Moon semisquare Venus, trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn, square Neptune. Saturn’s restrictive and controlling influence clashes with Challenges of Moon square Moon synastry. Looks pretty sexy no, DD? !!!! My venus trine his vesta (1) Topic: Venus square uranus synastry question: madelineleo23 Knowflake . Posts: 52 From: Registered: Aug 2013: Pluto sextile Moon orb +0°50' Pluto square Saturn orb +3°41' Pluto sextile Venus orb +3°51' The combination of the Moon in conjunction with Saturn, opposition to Saturn, or square to Saturn in a synastry chart holds a profound influence on relationships. Posts: 36 His Saturn trine my Moon. with T square Cappy Sun opposing Uranus I read it somewhere that the conjunction bw saturn and chiron is v. and I also agree that sometimes the Saturn/moon conjunction can be a problem as one will stick with bad Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Again, he and I also have Moon-Saturn square. Saturn opposition and square Mars are hard aspects that can go from exciting to annoying Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. She is 12 yrs younger than me, and with her as the Saturn,well. Posts: 2557 From: The Moon Registered: Aug 2013: posted March 30, 2014 04:09 AM Me and my SO have Moon-Ascendant double whammy! His moon trines my ascendant exact and my moon squares his ascendant around 3 degrees. In my research, a majority of couples with SATURN-JUNO positive aspects or conjunctions in synastry do have stable marriages. Pluto synastry creates a highly emotional and edgy dynamic that can feel fated. com) Topic Closed Lindaland I think the worst are when someone's mercury square/opposition to your moon and/or mars. Instead, it highlights a potential challenge in forming an emotional connection with each other. A hard aspect like the square to Sun and Moon shows the relationship as a "stable partnership' may take a concrete form. 0 Mars/Uranus in synastry Topic: Mars/Uranus in synastry: IrisRainbow Knowflake . My easiest and longest relationship (so far) was dominated by squares and oppositions, including sun sq jupiter and jupiter square moon (and others, sun square saturn, moon sq pluto DW, Uranus sq Merc DW). com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Saturn Synastry (Page 1) next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Saturn Synastry: Virgo28 Knowflake . past lives shared together If you want more info try googling and search for ''chiron aspects in synastry'' or chiron conjunct saturn in synastry''. In both cases I felt restricted by them and couldnt express my feelings freely. into concrete accomplishment. Actually it is way more complex than what I had read abut saturn synastry aspects. There is an Quincunx between my Moon and the others saturn at 2 orb. IP: Logged “No matter where you go, karma will come and knock your door. rangel: I was waiting for this post, and this is so accurated with a case of a couple I was checking before, they have really heavy aspects with Saturn , from him to her personal planets but his Neptune is also squaring her Moon and Venus, they haven’t been through cheating or lies, or anything like that, but that The Pluto person could have a very deep and maybe damaging effect on the Saturn person because they break down all Saturn's defenses (psychological and emotional) and can create a lot of hurt and suffering as a result. of course it takes effort! any relationship takes effort! if you don't put it, maybe you don't really want it to work Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. As a relationship astrologer, I've seen how this intense aspect plays out in real life and have concrete advice for navigating its stormy waters. 7. mars-jupiter conjunction. IP: Logged. In my case, me being the Moon Hell yeah immediately. The square aspect in astrology is known for creating tension and conflict, and in the case of Saturn and Moon, these conflicts are often rooted in emotional and security issues. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Topic: moon conjunct saturn in synastry & also hav a moon-conj-saturn in natal chart: leovirgocusp unregistered : posted February 19, 2007 02:47 PM Hi, His Saturn conjunct my Moon His Saturn square my Mercury His Saturn square my Jupiter His Saturn square my Mars Unlike draconic-draconic I was completely astonished when I looked at our draconic-natal synastry in which I suddenly found all the traditional outstanding ones like an exact Sun-Moon conj. Any thoughts?? It's my house 5 by the way,on the cusp of 6. It made total sense, given the fact that Saturn was transiting my 7th house at the time. Posts: 588 From: Registered: May 2011: posted March 30, 2018 04:22 PM Hi I need info about the dynamics of a NN square someone's moon in synastry please thanks . Thank you. Topic: Moon Square Mars Synastry: Brenda_S Knowflake . I’ve had someone’s Moon/ Saturn/ Pluto but again the all synastry will show,you can't isolate one aspect i have a moon venus square and his neptune-saturn conjunction squared my moon and opposited my venus. com) Originally posted by maleja. com) I agree that the Saturn/moon conjunction is very binding. Saturn Square Lilith Synastry. The Moon person feels naked My son's Aries Mercury is square my Cap Mars, and my husband's Saturn is square both my Sun and Moon, conjunct my SN. Basically, what I feel is that as long as I don't I never felt the Saturn influence with one ex-boyfriend, despite having the following Synastry: Saturn trine sun Saturn trine Moon (a double whammy; both our Saturns trine each other's moon) Saturn square Jupiter Saturn conjunct Uranus Saturn trine N. so it was reallyy hard my venus in his 7th placidus/8th whole signs his saturn in my 6th placidus/7th whole signs. Mercury- Saturn DW (quincunx/ trine) Venus-Saturn DW (trine/square). Moon square Mars DW (+ Moon opp Moon and Mars opp Mars) - sexual attraction. areesquivel Knowflake Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. and in the composite devotion is always present. From: Born in Saturn, grew up in Venus Registered: Sep 2013: posted September 18, 2016 03:29 AM Hmm. (the Moon-square-Neptune can make you believe in illusions We also have mars-saturn DW (square and opposition) mars-pluto DW (conjunction and square. While the challenges are real and can be significant, the potential for growth, understanding, and a -My Saturn Square her Venus- I dont appreciate her loving-Her Saturn Square my Sun- she doesn't appreciate my persona-Her Saturn square my Saturn-My Saturn on her Moon- she thinks im unemotional, for me she can be childish - Her North Node on my Uranus-im unpredictable in her view. is 26'11" Virgo, Which is conjunct my Saturn and My Moon I'd never seen the two THAT far apart! I think I'm gonna start a seperate thread about Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Saturn doesn't think of Moon as a baby or Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. We bring pain and healing. Posts: 1388 From: Registered: May 2015: posted March 22, 2018 08:16 PM quote: Originally posted by ChildofVenus: Moon square Saturn isn't that bad. Posts: 707 From: Pluto Registered: Jul 2013: posted July 28, 2013 08:36 AM conjunct their moon, trine their Mars, square their Neptune. ” Wise Cultivator Disclaimer: This article represents a few interpretations among countless interpretations of synastry. 6. the saturn person may be cold at first but will usually worship the venus person once a bond has been created. IP moon trine uranus in synastry -->sexy and fun. I use 4 to max 5 orb with the conjunction. in the natal the person will always elicit long term relationships. The hard (conjunction, square, and opposition) cross-aspects between the Moon and Saturn are powerful ones. Posts: 2995 my Eros opposite his Saturn 2' (his 5th house ruler) my Eros trine his Uranus 1' my Eros sextile his Pluto 0' his Eros quincunx my Sun 0' (my Asc ruler) his Eros square my Moon 0' his Eros quindecile my Mercury 1' (my 2nd house ruler) his Eros square my Mars 1' (my IC co-ruler) his Eros quindecile my Venus 0' his Eros quincunx my IC 0' Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Saturn is exalted in libra after all. com) Lindaland Astrology 2. The Moon's vulnerable feelings are affected by Saturn's seriousness. Ceridwen Moderator . Neptune may lack boundaries when giving affection, while Saturn can be too “accounting” when receiving affection. I have Moon square Saturn myself,and I share the same traits with her. 0 Sun/moon synastry. Posts: 600 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013: posted September 26, 2014 09:18 PM Hi Everyone, That's so Natal Saturn square In another relationship, the other person's Saturn square my Moon was very difficult. Posts: 3064 From: Mälmo, Sweden Registered: Aug 2012: posted October 31, 2012 07:04 PM Alright, please tell me all about this aspect. com) Lindaland Author: Topic: Moon Conjunct ASC Synastry: Brenda_S Knowflake . 0 Synastry: saturn venus square Topic: Synastry: saturn venus square: Vintry unregistered : posted February 18, 2009 08:05 PM Guyz, his Saturn is exactly square my Venus :(So what kind of trouble am I watching out for? What should be wrong? Moon: Libra Rising: Scorpio. com) Topic Closed Topic: Saturn and the South Node in Synastry: Taineberry Knowflake . Which How is moon square chiron and Saturn opposite chiron in synastry? It is his chiron and her moon/saturn. One person may cry at the same situation in which another may get angry, that kind of thing. I never had this on off problem and never found them immature like him (they all have Venus in Capricorn conjuct Saturn btw) Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Composite moon square Saturn: MysticMelody Moderator . Posts: 74285 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted April 29, 2014 01:26 PM Chiron is a wild card like a Mobius strip. Peri Moderator . com) Lindaland UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Juno square Moon synastry: Fionapineapple Knowflake . com) These are some of the aspects we have in synastry. Either one (or both) of you may have made it clear right from the start that this relationship was to be a serious or committed one. the Saturn person does adore the moon and values their compassion and sweetness quite a bit but With understanding and effort, a Moon Square Saturn synastry aspect can lead to profound personal growth for both partners, but there will be pitfalls along the way. His Lilith also conj my Venus & opp my Moon, and my Lilith opp his Mercury. 0 Mars square neptune - synastry has been transferred to this forum: Interpersonal Astrology. But at the end of the day, pleasant Venus, Moon, and Pluto aspects win out. When the Moon in your chart forms an aspect to your partner’s Saturn. Someone's feelings are always hurt, a lot of fighting, tension yet sexually/psychologically Well, the Moon person has a way of making the Uranus person feel “trapped”. Now I have Saturn-Sun DW (conjunction - he is Saturn, and sextile) and Moon (him) square Saturn (me) with someone. Aubyanne Moderator . Saturn may feel both intrigued and In Draconic Synastry, SATURN and JUNO conjunct exact: absolutely proving a long lasting marriage in more than one past lifetime. Posts: 1618 From: Registered Emotions and boundaries often collide with this aspect. (sextiles) My mars conjuncts his ASC. Posts: 73590 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Venus square pluto exact, and Moon conjunct mars, plus a bunch of other annoying aspects that keep him in my mind. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology Vesta in synastry (Page 1) my Vesta widely square his Saturn (4,5) funnily enough his vesta is trine his sun/moon MP exact and my vesta is sextile my sun/moon MP exact but no synastry . com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology North Node square moon synastry Author: Topic: North Node square moon synastry : bluestskies88 Knowflake . Saturn/Sun, Saturn/Venus, Saturn/Moon (most successful marriages have a hard aspect in Composite of Saturn/Moon), Saturn/Saturn, Saturn/Mars - soft tight aspects are best (trine and sextile), but any Saturn aspects whether hard or soft is the time keeper and glue of a relationship. Lindaland Asteroid Astrology Lilith and Synastry (Page 1) But these conjunctions are at 0 degree and we share few conjunctions in our synastry. and Saturn sun Square saturn saturn opposition. com) Lindaland Posts: 923 From: Registered: Aug 2018: posted March 21, 2019 08:22 AM Moon and other planets conjunct IC in synastry - who feels it more or what are the differences between feelings of moon and IC person? I wonder what the planet person feels. Her Nymphe squares the same degree and opposes her Mars My Moon trines all that,and it really helps with relating. We also have his lilith square my pluto at 2. his Moon and AC by 2 degrees. She has Moon square In synastry, my Mercury (chart ruler) square his Saturn (5°) but it doesn't appear in composite. my fiancee's moon squares my mars (but her venus/pluto conjunction sextiles it and her neptune Saturn is pretty active in my chart and obviously seeps into my relationships. IP I have moon sextile saturn whereas my friend has moon square saturn. LionFish Knowflake . Posts: 97 From: Seattle, Washington, United States Registered: Nov 2019: posted December 15, 2019 09:26 AM Also you talk about your lovers Mars square your Node, which is why I wanted to make Well, I have a Moon conjunct NN double whammy with my SO, one at 1° and the other at 3°. it feels like we are the same age. Synastry: Moon – Saturn Aspects. "I can't live without you" feeling that comes from the moon-uranus square (synastry/natal) that the uranus side creates doesn't feel so emotionally insecure and frightening if there are other supportive moon aspects or the other person Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I'm so cappy Knowflake . com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Moon square Saturn Topic: Moon square Saturn: ChildofVenus Knowflake . We argue like tom and jerry. Posts: 2648 From: Kyiv, Ukraine Registered: Dec 2003: posted August 03, 2008 11:56 AM Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. The Saturn person needs to dig to figure out the Moon person’s true motives. ) Mars-jupiter DW. com) Lindaland Sun opposite saturn @ 6 degrees in synastry and Sun square saturn in the compositedo it before it's too late. angel4845 Knowflake . (I am mars) In our composite we have mars-uranus, mars-neptune squares. Perhaps these three natal placements help to temper the We've Moon-Saturn DW in synastry. com) Lindaland Topic: Post your favorite Synastry or Composite Aspects: hypatia238 Moderator . IP Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I hadn't kept in mind that saturn in a natal chart, by its house position, sign and the aspects it makes, stood for our own karmic debt. Affection and love feelings come easily. and last but not least an exact Sun-Descendant conj. Also Sun square Neptune in composite is tricky. Of JUNO conjunct SATURN in a long stable marriage: Celine Dion and René We also have a Moon Neptune (I'm Moon) Conjunction, double whammy Venus Neptune (Square & Trine), a Venus Moon (I'm Venus) Conjunction, a NN-IC (I'm the IC) Conjunction, Chiron-Pluto Conjunction (I'm Pluto), a Moon in 1st House Overlay (my Moon Falls in his 1st), and a Neptune in 1st house Overlay (I'm Neptune). IMO Saturn/Chiron and Pluto aspects are the worst. ccmuv ikpd sev ncvcyoo wfbkkud aszez ockapwl eivx lrxem yva